沃拉沃拉大学 Scholarships

成就奖学金 based on GPA or test scores, whichever is higher (up to $15,000, renewable)

赴格兰特 居住在俄勒冈州或华盛顿州以外的人(每年2500美元,可续期)

国家优秀奖学金 for those who qualify (up to $29,487, renewable)

领导奖 for freshman year (up to $1,500)

佩尔合伙奖学金 对于报告调整后总收入低于6万美元的家庭(可变,可更新)

DACA学者计划 for DACA recipients ($23,600 up to $35,595, renewable). Find out more about the DACA Grant Plan here.

Walla Walla Symphony Society Scholarships to students who are members of the symphony. More information/application at info@wwsymphony.org. (变量、可再生)

Youth Service Opportunities Awards, 在夏季参加北太平洋联盟青年服务机会计划的全日制学生奖学金.

营奖学金, WWU matches 75% of the student’s gross summer earnings when they work as an overnight 青年营工作人员. (最高2,000元,可续期)

MAGA Books or Colporteur Scholarship, WWU matches 75% of the student’s gross earnings. (最高2,000元,可续期)

转移奖学金 based on high school or college GPA (up to $10,000, renewable)

DACA学者计划 for DACA recipients ($23,600 up to $35,595, renewable). Find out more about the DACA Grant Plan here.

Walla Walla Symphony Society Scholarships to students who are members of the symphony. More information/application at info@wwsymphony.org. (变量、可再生)

Youth Service Opportunities Awards, 暑期参加我校青年服务机会项目的全日制学生奖学金.

营奖学金, WWU matches 75% of the student’s gross summer earnings when they work as an overnight 青年营工作人员. (最高2,000元,可续期)

MAGA Books or Colporteur Scholarship, WWU matches 75% of the student’s gross earnings. (最高2,000元,可续期)

In addition to any renewable scholarships, WWU awards the following to continuing undergraduate students:

Employment Recognition Award | $300-$1,000 per year

沃拉沃拉大学每年春天都会颁发一些奖项,以表彰优秀的学生. 奖项的提名由部门和主管提出,并为下一学年.

Additional Scholarships | Amounts vary

沃拉沃拉大学的校友和朋友慷慨地为继续学习的学生提供额外的奖学金. 颁奖典礼是一年一度的活动,有200多个奖学金颁发给在读学生. Apply at spreadcrushers.com/awards.

是的,你可以,加拿大! 加拿大新生或新转学生奖学金(不能是美国学生).S. citizen) ($8,000, renewable, 奖学金金额将根据美元/加元汇率每年进行调整.)

International Student Scholarship (cannot be a U.S. F-1签证(至少$18,500,可续签)

研究生助教奖学金: 一些助教奖学金适用于生物学和社会工作博士课程的研究生. 申请这些奖学金的候选人应写信给各自的系主任.

GRADUATE DEAN'S SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: 这项现金奖励和优异证书是颁发给学习成绩优异的研究生的.  The graduate faculties nominate recipients. (变量可再生)

MASTER'S IN SOCIAL WORK DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP: 获得世界大学社会工作学士学位且累计平均绩点不低于3分的学生.00有资格获得这个奖项. Funds are disbursed one-fourth each quarter-fall, winter, spring, and summer-of the students first year in the program. Recipients may also qualify for Master's in Social Work Merit Scholarships. (1360美元不可再生)

MASTER'S IN SOCIAL WORK MERIT SCHOLARSHIP. 该奖学金颁发给本科平均成绩优秀的学生. One-fourth of the award is disbursed each quarter-fall, winter, spring, and summer-of a recipient's first year in the program. 获奖者也有资格获得社会工作硕士部门奖学金(500-1美元),000不可再生)

3.90 - 4.00: $1,000 ($250 Per quarter)
3.80 - 3.89: 750美元(每季度187美元)
3.70 - 3.79: $600(每季度$150)
3.50 - 3.69: 500美元(每季度125美元)

MASTER OF INITIAL TEACHING DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARSHIPS:  每位持有世界水大学士学位且累积平均绩点(GPA)至少为3分的学生.0有资格获得这个奖项.  Funds are disbursed one-fourth each quarter—fall, winter, spring, and summer—of the recipient’s first year in the program.  Recipients may also qualify for Master’s of Initial Teaching Merit Scholarships. (1360美元不可再生)

MASTER OF INITIAL TEACHING AND MASTER OF EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS: 该奖学金颁发给优秀的本科平均绩点(GPA)。.  One-fourth of the scholarship is disbursed each quarter—fall, winter, spring, and summer—of a recipient’s first year in the program.  获奖者也有资格获得初始教学硕士部门奖学金. ($500 to 1,000不可再生)

3.90 - 4.00: $1,000 ($250 Per quarter)
3.80 - 3.89: 750美元(每季度187美元)
3.70 - 3.79: $600(每季度$150)
3.50 - 3.69: 500美元(每季度125美元)


Scholarships are awarded to students for academic excellence, 学生领导, 以及其他成就. Scholarships do not have to be repaid, and some are considered based on financial need while others are not. 这里列出了各种各样的奖学金,以及关于寻找更多奖学金的信息.


  1. Make a list 你找到的奖学金. Include in your list: When is the application available? 到期日是什么时候? 需要写论文吗?? Transcript? Where did you find it (for example, what URL)? Keep referring back to this list as deadlines approach. Allow sufficient time, so applications and essays don't appear rushed.
  2. Ask others about scholarships unique to where you live:
    • 向你当地的高中指导顾问咨询你所在地区的奖学金. You don't have to be a student at the high school to use this resource
    • If you’re a member of a credit union, ask if they offer scholarships.
    • Look for your home state’s scholarship page. Many states have complied a list of scholarships available to state residents, many available to students attending out-of-state schools.
  3. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce to find out if there are local scholarships, 当地社区基金会, Trusts, 或服务俱乐部(狮子会), Rotary) that offer scholarships.
  4. Google your major, special abilities, hobbies, and achievements. 用谷歌搜索你的城市加“奖学金”,你的县加“奖学金”,例如“帕斯科华盛顿奖学金”和“富兰克林县华盛顿奖学金”."
  5. Don’t pay 申请奖学金. You can usually get the same information for free at fastweb.com.
  6. Apply for as many scholarships as you can. Don’t just apply for the large ones. Smaller scholarships may be less competitive, and several small scholarships can add up to some serious money! One student came in with seven outside scholarships – the largest was only $1,000 – but the total was almost $4,000!
  7. When the pool of applicants is small for a scholarship, always apply if you are eligible. For example, 在沃拉沃拉附近,一家小型电力公司为学生提供三份奖学金, but the family has to be a customer of the utility company. A small pool of applicants = higher chance of a scholarship.
  8. See below for other scholarship lists and search resources.

沃拉沃拉大学收到数百份通知学生获得外部奖学金的请求.  尽管有些是合法的, 许多奖学金申请的目的是收集学生的个人信息用于营销目的.

Because WWU does not have the resources to screen each scholarship, we have chosen not to list outside scholarships that have not been vetted. 

在世界大学以外寻求奖学金的学生应谨慎行事,并可能希望通过谷歌或其他网站开始搜索 Fastweb.com.


Washington State Opportunity Scholarship
看看这个为西澳攻读科学学位的学生提供的优秀奖学金, technology, engineering, 数学或医疗保健. Read the eligibility criteria carefully. 阅读更多关于 Washington State Opportunity Scholarship.

Go here to start financial aid process for college, 不管你是六年级学生, college student, 或者介于两者之间! 了解更多有关 ReadySetGrad financial aid planner.

Do you qualify?  Application deadline is June 30 at end of student’s 8th grade year.  只注册一次. ReadySetGrad 大学奖学金 details.

American Indian Endowed Scholarship - WA State Achievement Council
Must be WA State resident to qualify. American Indian Endowed Scholarship form.

Are you a Washington state resident?  Need help with finding scholarships or filling out financial aid applications?  早点开始 大学成功基金!

Washington State Fair Foundation Scholarships
This Foundation offers a number of great scholarships college students! 了解更多有关 Blue Ribbon Scholarship Program.

DACA Students Scholarship Opportunity
If you are a DACA student, take a look at this: 丰塔纳运输公司. Scholarship

搜索并申请针对你的学术兴趣的经过验证的奖学金, 学院或大学, 或者其他标准. See the WashBoard.

Start saving for college today.  Start early! More on the Guaranteed Education Tuition program.

Washington State School Retirees Association
奖学金适用于即将入学的新生以及下一学年从事学生教学的高年级学生. More information is available at wssra.org. http://wssra.org/index.php /基金会奖学金


FastWeb is recommended by 15,500所高中和3所,500 colleges, FastWeb is the nation's largest, most accurate, and most frequently updated scholarship database online. You can do customized searches of over $3 billion in scholarships. 请浏览他们的网站 www.fastweb.com

Financial Aid Scholarships for Disabled Students
Scholarships and information guide for students with disabilities. Scholarship awards vary, depending on the particular program.

Scholarship Opportunities for Dreamers
Thebestcolleges.org provides guidance for undocumented students. There are listings for scholarships too.

Are you a Washington state resident? Need help with finding scholarships or filling out financial aid applications? 在这里早点开始! www.collegesuccessfoundation.org/wa/supports-and-scholarships

Resource for scholarship and loan information and assistance. Unigo

Washington State Fair Foundation Scholarships
This foundation offers a number of great scholarships for college students.

Oregon Residents - OSAC Scholarships
There are many opportunities with 俄勒冈州学生资助 俄勒冈州的学生.

OEDb.org 非裔美国人补助金
The 开放教育资料库 has a variety of grants offered for African-Americans.

Learn.org Bachelor Degree and Master Degree Scholarship Programs
Learn.org offers a number of scholarships. Check out their website for their latest scholarship offerings at www.learn.org

GoAbroad.com has opportunities for students wanting to study abroad.

Study.com 列出本科生、研究生和远程学习可用的奖学金.

Psychology.org has scholarships specifically for psychology students.

MoneyGeek Scholarship Search
MoneyGeek is a tool that can help you search for scholarships.

Affordable Colleges Scholarships for Minorities
Affordablecolleges.com has a list of scholarships for minorities.

Affordable Colleges Foundation offers a comprehensive, 免费指南,让学生了解经济援助的过程和机会. Check out their website here: www.affordablecollegesonline.org/financial-aid/financial-aid-for-online-colleges.

在易于使用的免费奖学金搜索引擎上查看奖学金机会. 请浏览他们的网站 www.collegeresourcenetwork.com.

GoCollege.Com提供免费的内容来帮助你了解、寻找和申请更多的奖学金机会. "Finding College Scholarships" can be found at www.gocollege.com/goscholarshipsearch/.
A new scholarship offered right now at GoCollege.com is the Abacus Scholarship: Every Student Counts. Check it out at www.gocollege.com/abacus

Northwest Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars is a volunteer driven national network of more than 1,200 community based scholarship foundations serving nearly 4,000 communities across the United State in support of local students. 浏览他们的网站: www.scholarshipamerica.org

看看这些针对本科生、研究生或专业学位的奖学金. Go to: www.publichealthonline.org/scholarships-and-grants/

Pursuing, or interested in, a counseling degree and need financial resources. Check out scholarship opportunities at www.AccreditedOnlineColleges.org

An Outstanding Free Publication.
现在花点时间拨打下面的免费电话号码,就可以免费将一本名为“为大学付费”的出版物邮寄到您的家中. 这份出版物, produced by the Northwest Education Loan Association (NELA), provides a comprehensive guide on applying for financial aid. It also provides occupational information, sample college costs and provides a financial need worksheet. Call them at (800) 979-4441.

Scholarship.Com网站为正在寻找奖学金和贷款的大学生提供了丰富的信息和指导. 有关更多信息,请访问 www.scholarships.com

WellsFargo sponsors this site that offers a variety of scholarships. Sign up, take a look, and get education funding! 有关更多信息,请访问 www.tuitionfundingsources.com!

搜索并申请针对你的学术兴趣的经过验证的奖学金, 学院或大学, 或者其他标准. Check it out at www.thewashboard.org.

NursesLink Nursing Student Scholarship
NursesLink.Org为那些攻读护理学位和非护理学位的人提供各种奖学金. 可以在 nurseslink.org

Search through hundreds of scholarships online. 浏览网址: http://college-scholarships.com/

StudentsScholarships.org lists a variety of scholarships. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.studentscholarships.org

联邦航空管理局有一份专为航空专业学生提供的奖学金名单. 点击这里查看 www.faa.gov/education/grants_and_scholarships/aviation/

Diversity Nursing Scholarships
Check out and apply for nursing scholarships at Diversitynursing.com

The total amount of scholarships, grants, 学生在任何一年获得的补贴(来自所有来源)不得超过世界水大的包装预算. 如果总金额超过包装预算,则WWU的奖励将减少.